Dry planed or calibrated board is widely used in construction.
A board for outdoor construction work in direct sunlight.
It is widely used for the construction of houses, the construction of baths and gazebos.
Profiled Beam "Moon Groove" is widely used in the construction of "Bath Barrels".
Popular modern finishing and construction material, environmental friendliness and naturalness.
Massive wooden floors have been the most popular and sought-after flooring for hundreds of years.
As a rule, it is used for indoor work, wall and ceiling decoration.
The type of lining used for the facade cladding gives an imitation of overlapping boards.
This is one of the options for lining. Imitation boards are thicker and wider.
A kind of modern sheathing board that appeared relatively recently, but has already become quite popular.
Planken is a facade board made of wood, used for the manufacture of vertical or horizontal sheathing.
A wide range of applications from the construction of a crate to the manufacture of interior parts or furniture.
High-quality durable structural building material.
Skirting board, trim, corner, layout, door frame, bead, circle.
A furniture shield, a step, a window sill, a bowstring, a baluster, an initial post, a handrail and other elements.